Read these sentences and choose the correct relative pronoun (who or whose). 1Mrs Sanders, (whose/who) father is a painter, came to New York five years ago.
Nowadays, people often talk about the dangers of fast food for people. And this topic is really serious and important for detailed study. All of us listened from our parents that fast food is harmful. But for us it is was always delicious. But what exactly is so yummy can be harmful? And at least the fact that fast food contains a large number of calories, because of which a person becomes overweight. It is also harmful to health that due to its fat content slow down the metabolism in the body. Examples of why you should not often eat fast food-a lot. And mostly, most of them are true. Fast food is possible, but better, no more than once every two months.
Health - diyalnostiderzhavy industry whose purpose is to organize and provide affordable population. Ohoronazdorov'ya - a key elementnatsionalnoyi security. Writ medytsynaZemska medytsynaMiska medicine
Department of Health Regional State Administration is executive body that ensures the implementation of the state policy in the field of health, and is responsible for the state and the industry.
The main objectives of management are:
Development of reasonable proposals for the implementation of state policy in the field of health; Coordination and control of public health programs, including disease prevention, provision of health care;
Mrs Sanders, whose father