Karen twisted ( Past Simple) her ankle while she was running. (Past Continuous)
Jim was cooking (Past Continuous) when he cut (Past Simple) his finger.
My phone rang ( Past Simple) while I was taking ( Past Continuous) a shower.
I was walking (Past Continuous) home when I saw ( Past Simple) Helen on the street.
The children were crying (Past Continuous) when I found (Past Simple) them.
We were staying ( Past Continuous)at home while it was raining ( Past Continuous) outside.
When I came( Past Simple) to the party, everybody was dancing (Past Continuous).
Everybody of us is afraid of something. Our fears always bother us to leave how we want. Our fears make us to forget about who we are.
The fear is one of the strongest human’s feelings. But we must overcome this feeling. And our life will change. It’ll become happier!
Перевод текста:Каждый из нас чего-то боится. Но страх всегда мешает нам жить полной жизнью. Страх заставляет нас забыть о том, кто мы на самом деле.
Страх - одно из самых сильных человеческих чувств. Это чувство необходимо полностью побороть. И тогда, в конечном счете, мы поймем, что наша жизнь изменится. Она станет счастливее!