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Hello Sam, It's been a long time since i've last written to you. How are you doing? Anything new happened in your life? I missed you. I've heard you are interested in Ukrainian newspapers and some kinds of magazines? So, I'd like to share some information with you including interesting facts in it.
There are planty of different press in Ukraine. If you are interested in politic news you can find new information in "The facts" newspaper. If you are looking for some kinds of advice about your health and lifestyle then you need to find a "Men's health" magazine.
If I were you, I would read the most popular magazine in my area - "Serial". It consists of different types of articles about anything you want. So, I'm sure you'll like it.
All the rules, POZhALUYSTAStoit say that in the US today there are at least 200 uninhabited citiesso-called ghost towns. Colorado and California, Arizona and Montana, New Mexico and Nevada, Idaho and Utah tourists can show up to two dozen such sites. Their eerie appearance attracted mystics and filmmakers, as well as groups of tourists. The famous movie "Silent Hill" created in the image of abandoned cities in America. The city where there is a church and a school, and the telegraph station, shops and houses, but no inhabitants ... Each of ghost towns have their own tragic story. "Oh My God!" - Exclaim tourists during excursions through the deserted streets. once, life in these cities was in full swing, and now only emptiness and silence. Most often, ghost towns are located in the United States of its central part, away from the major routes, gas stations. Sometimes, the cause is the depletion of natural resources, or any natural disasters, but more often they disappear on ordinary stupidity of the people themselves. For example, the town of Cordes in Arizona was founded in 1883. After 12 years, lived there more than 400 people, and in 1926 it was already a real center, with beer bars, churches and shops. And in 1955, the city closed coal mines and local residents began to leave him. In the city of Centralia burned coal mines that can not be put out more than 40 years. US ghost towns Another story from the ghost town of Mokelumne Hill, located in California. It arose spontaneously, as a result of the gold rush, and in 1848 it has a population of 12 thousand people. It was one of the most violent cities, during its history have been killed and more than 39 sheriffs thousand inhabitants. The fate of the doomed ghost towns - it is only slowly disintegrate and disappear someday. Although there are cases when these cities are national monuments and heritage of the country For each of the American ghost towns can talk endlessly. And every ghost town keeps a lot of secrets that have yet to unravel ...
Hello Sam,
It's been a long time since i've last written to you. How are you doing? Anything new happened in your life? I missed you. I've heard you are interested in Ukrainian newspapers and some kinds of magazines? So, I'd like to share some information with you including interesting facts in it.
There are planty of different press in Ukraine. If you are interested in politic news you can find new information in "The facts" newspaper. If you are looking for some kinds of advice about your health and lifestyle then you need to find a "Men's health" magazine.
If I were you, I would read the most popular magazine in my area - "Serial". It consists of different types of articles about anything you want. So, I'm sure you'll like it.
Best wishes, Dmitriy