Task 1.
1. Could I have a kilo of biscuits, please?
2. Remember to get a carton of orange juice when you're at the supermarket.
3. How much does a bag of bananas cost?
4. We eat a loaf of bread a day in our house.
5. Would you like a piece of cake with your tea?
6. Can you get me the packet of rice from the cupboard, please?
7. I can't open this jar of strawberry jam.
8. How can you lose weight if you eat a bar of chocolate every day?
9. Oh, what a mess! I dropped the bottle of olive oil on the floor.
Task 2.
1. Finally, put the cake into the oven.
2. Would you like me to boil you an egg for your breakfast?
3. You fry the bacon and I'll make the toast.
4. Sally, can you stir the soup for me, please?
5. Mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl.
6. Let's bake a birthday cake for Jack.
7. Can you peel the potatoes, please?
Task 3.
1. I think I'd like some honey on my bread.
2. Yes, I think there is some orange juice in the fridge.
3. There aren't any apples in the fridge.
4. There is some bread in the cupboard.
5. Bob usually has some bacon for breakfast.
6. There isn't any coffee in the jar.
7. Is there any cheese in this sauce? I don't like cheese.
Task 4.
1. There aren't many eggs left. I'll go buy some.
2. You put too much sugar in my coffee. It's very sweet.
3. We haven't got many apples left.
4. I think you cooked too many potatoes.
5. I don't drink much milk, but I should.
6. How many pepper is left? (*перец как овощ, а не приправа)
7. There aren't many carrots in the fridge.
Task 5.
My mother usually cooks for the family, but today it is her birthday, so I am planning a special meal for everybody. My mother loves meat, so I am making some delicious meat pie. My father hates meat, though, so I am preparing a nice salad for him.
Task 6.
1. T
2. T
3. F (The chicken comes with vegetables, and the beef curry with rice)
4. F (apple pie, fruit salad)
5. F (A meal for two costs about £40.)
6. T
1. The sun was shining when I woke up this morning. (Солнце светило, когда я проснулся этим утром.)
2. It was raining when I left the office. (Шёл дождь, когда я покинул офис.)
3. I was eating dinner when you called me. (Я обедал, когда ты позвонил мне.)
4. She got very sick while she was travelling overseas. (Она очень сильно заболела, когда путешествовала за границей.)
5. Martin was working in the garden when it started to rain. (Мартин работал в саду, когда начался дождь.)
6. I was cooking dinner when the phone rang. (Я готовил обед, когда телефон зазвонил.)
7. Mr. Johnson cut himself while he was shaving. (Мистер Джонсон порезался, когда он брился.)
8. She fell asleep while she was watching the movie. (Она уснула в то время, как смотрела фильм.)
9. Andrea broken her ankle when she was skating. (Андреа сломала её лодыжку, когда она каталась на скейте.)
10. I saw a bad accident while I was driving home. (Я увидел ужасную аварию, когда ехал домой.)
11. She found a ten dollar bill while she was walking home. (Она нашла 10-долларовую банкноту, когда шла домой.)