i live in ukraine. ukraine is a sovereign state. it has its own territory, government, national emblem, state flag and anthem. kiev is the capital of ukraine.the official language of the country is ukrainian. ukraine washed by the black sea and the sea of azov. the major rivers are the dnieper, the dniester, the donets and others. the biggest cities are kyiv, kharkiv, dnipropetrovsk , odesa, lviv, mykolaiv and others.
я живу в украине. украина суверенное государство. у нее есть своя территория, правительство, государственный герб, государственный флаг и гимн. столица украины киев . официальным языком в стране является украинский. украина омывается черного моря и азовского моря. главные реки-днепр, днестр, донец и другие самыми большими являются киев, харьков, днепропетровск, одесса, львов, николаев и другие.
During the holidays, the child rests, relaxes and forgets absolutely everything that he learned for a whole year at school.All the same, after each subsequent quarter, it becomes more and more difficult for children to learn. After spring break, when students are supposed to come to their classes fresh and rested, we see tired, tortured children.Regular schools do not provide children with enough knowledge, and some schools operate on an outdated and boring curriculum.So I came to the conclusion that if you shorten the holidays it will not lead to success.
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