-Hi, Honey, how are you? -Fine, thanks. And what about you? - l'm fine too. Do you remember that we are going to go to the birthday party? - Of course! What will you wear? - I don't know. Does any dress code on this party? - No, but it's not so strict. Girls must wear dresses and boys must wear jeans. Do you have a nude dress? - I want to buy a new dress for the party. My mother and I will go to the shop and then she will take me to the party. Can you say my how to get there and when its going to be. - I'll text you. ok? - ok
Dear friend, sorry for not writing for a long time i was a little bit busy. i hope you're doing well. i'm going on a trip soon! as i said i'm going on a trip. i'm going to go to saint-petersburg with my best friend. we will visit different museums and we hope the weather will be good so we will be able to walk along the beautiful streets of the city. we will live in the hotel near a theatre and hopefully we'll visit a play in it. we will definitely have a good time! sorry but i have to go. can't wait to get your reply! with best wishes, (ваше имя)
ответ:Ех:1 1-в 2-у 3-е 4-а 5-d 6-f 7-C
Ex:2 Abulkhair Khan was born in 1963
2) Abulkhair Khan fought a battle near the Bulanty river in 1726
3)he died in 1748
4)he fought a battle at Anyrakai in 1729
5)he organized an army 171i
6)he signed an agreement with Russia 1731
7)The Dungers attacked Kazakhstan 1723
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