on foot - пешком
by coaches - на автобусах
by horses - на лошадях
on horseback - на лошади
by boats and ships - на кораблях и лодках
by trains, trams, cars, buses, airplanes - на поездах, трамваях, машинах, автобусах и самолётах
by underground - на метро
Названия видов транспорта: coach, boat, ship, train, tram, car, bus, airplane, underground
Задание: Write down the names of the transport from the text - выписать названия видов транспорта из текста
by air - по воздуху (не вид, но есть в тексте)
1. i am reading a book
she is reading the book
he is reading the book
they are reading the book
2. i am listening for traffic
she is listening for traffic
he is listening for traffic
they are listening for traffic
3. i am wearing a helmet
she is wearing a helmet
he is wearing a helmet
they are wearing a helmet
4. i am cycling on the road
she is cycling on the road
he is cycling on the road
they are cycling on the road
если я правильно поняла, то так