Определите время и залог 1. The statistical book was published last year.
2. The data were obtained experimentally.
3. This theory has been developed quite recently.
4. A more careful approach is needed.
5. Information on the volume of reservoir is required.
6. A large disagreement between the various published data is discussed.
7. We were shown the house and the garden.
8. He was assisted by Mr. Mell in his studies.
9. We were informed that a new idea had been advanced at the closing session.
10. He was asked to participate in the discussion.
1. They were promised every support in their work.
15. The new discovery is being much spoken about.
Task 1. English has become a 1) means of communication … within some countries where different groups of people speak 2) different languages. You must work hard to
learn your 3) first foreign language. Some people can 4) speak more than one
language. We must 5) study foreign languages at school. There are some differences between 6) British and American English . English is the 7) official language in Australia. Most 8) vocabulary in the modern computer science is in English. English is the 9) …only solution to the communicate problems. If a person doesn’t know 10) foreign languages he can’t hope to know all the news in his field.