The baba-yaga is one of the most negative estimates of character and an external image of the woman. And one of the annoying. Actually, if to deal with deep sense of such phenomenon as the Baba-yaga, our attitude towards her can change in a certain measure. "According to the Russian Tradition, the image of the Baba-yaga is connected with legends about transition of the hero to the other world (A fairy kingdom). In these legends the Woman - Yaga standing on border of the worlds, serves as the conductor allowing the hero to get into the world dead" * (to kill Zmey Gorynych or to ruin Koschei the Immortal to return (to release) the bride (country), thanks to commission of certain rituals.
The British Parliament – one of the oldest parliaments of the world. Him often call "foremother" – would be more exact to speak "forefather" – all parliaments. From the second half of the XIII century it continues to function without breaks throughout all political history of the country. Thanks to Parliament England represented the most free in political and legal sense the country, the most powerful state of all Western world, the center of the huge colonial empire. Sometimes the term "parliament" use for designation of both chambers of Parliament: the upper house – Chambers of lords and the lower house – the Houses of Commons, but are more often when speak about the Supreme legislature, by "parliament" mean its main part – the House of Commons. The House of Commons is the only electoral central public authority in the country. Members of the House of Commons are called as "members of Parliament".
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