In the capital of Kazakhstan opened a new theatre "Astana Opera" - the largest and most technically complex in Central Asia. on 21 June, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan took part in the opening ceremony in the capital of the State Opera and ballet theatre "Astana Opera". The structure of the theatre consists of 4 blocks with a total area of 64 163 square meters Auditorium horseshoe shape, it is designed for 1250 seats. The scene area is 768 square feet,. In addition, the theater has a Banquet hall for 250 seats, its technical characteristics are not inferior to the main hall. It features artists 26 spacious rehearsal rooms equipped with the latest technology and more dressing rooms 60 rooms. Provides Parking for 92 seats and outdoor Parking for 325 seats. On the adjacent territory made improvement on the total area of 58.7 thousand square meters
Каждый год миллионы туристов приезжают в Лондон, чтобы увидеть Биг Бен. Но чем вообще является Биг Бен? Большинство людей считают, что Биг Бен - высокая башня-часы, которая стоит над Парламентом. На самом деле нет! Биг Бен - это не башня-часы. Внутри Биг Бена находится один из 4 больших колоколов. Его название происходит от комиссара (не совсем уверенна по поводу этого) Сэра Бенжамина Холла, или просто Бена. Башня 98 метров в высоту. Колокол внутри башни весит 14 тонн. Часы на башне тоже очень большие. Каждый из 4 циферблатов часов 7 метров в ширину. Часовые стрелки в длину около 3 метров, а минутные стрелки в длину 4 метра.
1.What do you think about your success?
2.How much time do you spend on your work?
3.What makes you so popular in your opinion?
4.You have reached your goal?
5.Why did you choose this path?
6.Do you have competitors?
7.What do you do besides music?
8.When did you first realize that you want to play music?
9.What inspires you to create music?
10.What vertex you want to achieve?
11.Would you like to play in a different genre?
12.What do you want to wish your fans?
13.How often do you get recognized on the street?
14.Whom you owe your success?
15.When planning to go on vacation?