1. Тим хочет, чтобы его мама to bake a pie.
(Тим хочет, чтобы его мама испекла пирог/Tim wants his mom to bake a pie.)
2. Кейт хочет, чтобы her mom to help her do her homework.
(Кейт хочет, чтобы ее мама ей сделать домашнее задание/Kate wants her mom to help her do her homework.)
3. Моя мама хочет, чтобы me to read these books over the summer.
(Моя мама хочет, чтобы я читал эти книги летом/My mom wants me to read these books over the summer.)
4. Вы хотите, чтобы her to buy this skirt?
(Вы хотите, чтобы она купила эту юбку?/Do you want her to buy this skirt?)
5. Учителя хотят, чтобы us to do our homework on time.
(Учителя хотят, чтобы мы делали уроки вовремя./Teachers want us to do our homework on time.)
My favourite school tradition
Usually every school has a lot of traditions. My favourite tradition in my school is celebrating New Year's Day and having a big party in our assembly hall. There is always a tall New Year tree there. All our schoolchildren come to the party wearing fancy dress costumes. We sing New Year's songs and dance around the New Year tree. There are a lot of fun contests and at the end we all get our gifts from Father Frost. After this my classmates and our teacher come to our classroom to have tea with sweets and biscuits.
I like this tradition very much!