1. Do you like new jeans? Yes, l do 2. My parents bought me a digital camera. So it is 3. The children are playing football with friends. 4. Millers have a new car. This blue car is
In the Middle East an American company was marketing tomato paste, but learned that when "tomato paste" was translated into Arabic it meant "tomato glue". The Chevrolet's Nova was not received well in Spanish-speaking countries. Its name sounded like no va, which in Spanish means "it doesn't go". In many countries the prefix "diet" cannot be used since it would require that a product be sold only in pharmacies. As we communicate with individuals from other cultures and countries we must be mindful not only with translations but also with the products we sell. An excellent example is provided in "McDiversify". Communication Note, which describes various menus designed by McDonald's to address the needs of different countries and cultures.
A father and his son (were travelling - процесс в момент в процесс в момент в процесс в момент в процесс в момент в событие в событие в событие в состояние в событие в событие в процесс в настоящий момент) at his son and (says - событие в настоящее время) to him : "I will never (drive - обещание) my car when it (is snowing - процесс в будущем). I (promise - событие в настоящем) you. It (is - регулярные обстоятельства) very dangerous to drive when it (is - регулярные обстоятельства) so slippery."
In the Middle East an American company was marketing tomato paste, but learned that when "tomato paste" was translated into Arabic it meant "tomato glue". The Chevrolet's Nova was not received well in Spanish-speaking countries. Its name sounded like no va, which in Spanish means "it doesn't go". In many countries the prefix "diet" cannot be used since it would require that a product be sold only in pharmacies.
As we communicate with individuals from other cultures and countries we must be mindful not only with translations but also with the products we sell. An excellent example is provided in "McDiversify". Communication Note, which describes various menus designed by McDonald's to address the needs of different countries and cultures.