Complete the sentences with look/ sound/ feel/ taste/ smell like / made of.
1 What's for lunch, I wonder? Hmmm. It fish and chips
2 I don't going out tonight.
3 Yeah. That a good idea to me.
4 It's clouding over. It rain.
5 It's time to change the bag. The bin terrible.
6 That jacket great.
7 This song familiar.
8 This coffee mud.
9 This building of brick and glass.
1) Легко ли фотографировать(делать снимки)? - Yes, it's pretty simple. You just need some experience.
2) Что интересней , собирать коллекцию из чего-либо, или завести домашнего питомца? - As for me, it's more interesting to have a pet than to collect something. But it depends.)
3) Что люди должны делать , если они завели домашнего питомца. - They should take care of their pet and treat him with love.
4) Что более интересно или полезно для коллекционирования. - You should collect things that you really like, it's not a problem even if they are useless.