Animal: the grey wolf (серый волк)
Face: wolves have got a wide forehead, strong jaws and a long, blunt muzzle. The ears are relatively small and triangular. (У волков широкий лоб, сильные челюсти и длинная тупая морда. Уши относительно маленькие и треугольные.)
Body: They have got long and strong legs and a long tail. (У них длинные и сильные ноги и длинный хвост.)
Colour: wolves are usually grey in colour, but there are also white, red, and brown to black wolves. (волки, как правило, серого цвета, но есть также волки белого, рыжего, коричневого и черного цвета.)
Home: they live in deserts, grasslands, forests and arctic tundras. (они живут в пустынях, лугах, лесах и арктических тундрах)
Food: grey wolves hunt mostly large, hoofed animals including different kinds of deer, mountain goats, and elk. They will also hunt and eat hares, beavers, birds and fish. (Серые волки охотятся в основном на крупных копытных животных, включая оленей, горных козлов и лосей. Они также охотятся на зайцев, бобров, птиц и рыб.)
went to Kenya last summer. ... past simple (specific from past, past simple) I play tennis every Friday. ... present simple (routine, simpler now) He isn`t studying at the moment. ... present continuous (something does not happen / happens at the moment of speaking, continuous time is continuous) They What were you doing yesterday between 3.00 and 5.00? ... past continuous (longer activity from past - past continuous) I`ve started this exercise. ... present perfect (something has started in the past and may continue) i`ll go to university. ... future with will (spontaneous utterance in the future, future simple) Is it going to rain tomorrow? ... be going to (going to refer to the nearest plans / intentions, here it is about the weather difficult to predict) I'm visiting my grandparents next weekend. ... present continuous for future (we are a contract, that's why our intention is not going to change, it's a continuous future applied to the future.