Bedroom : bed, wardrobe,pillow
bathroom: toilet, washbasin, bath
kitchen: cupboard, fridge,dishwasher,sink
living room: sofa, armchair,cushion.
1. Seashell
2 spiral staircase 3 earthquake -proof, 4 quiet neighborhood, 5. Washing machine,6. Skating rink. 7 estate agent, 8 get wet
N 3.
1. view 2 level 3 way 4 floating 5 nearby 6 huts 7 at
1. The train leaves at 6 o'clock.
- b) timetable;
2. They drive to work every day.
- a) regular action;
3. My sister likes eating cereal with honey and berries.
- 3) habit;
4. Leaves change their colour in autumn.
- 4) general truth.
5. This bus stops not far from the market.
- 4) general truth.
6. The museums don't open until 9.
- b) timetable;
7. Fish sleep with their eyes open.
- 4) general truth.
8. He is always making a mess in his room!
- d) irritating repeated action;
9. We are having a party tomorrow.
- e) future arrangement
10. Your English is getting better.
- c) changing situation;
11. I'm watching an interesting film.
- b) action happening now;
12. I'm having a holiday this week.
-a) temporary action;
kitchen: fridge, cupboard, dishwasher, chair
bathroom: bath, washbasin, toilet, sink
living room: armchair, cushion, sofa,
2.1)sea 2)spiral 3)earthquake 4)quiet 5)washing 6)skating 7)estate 8)get
3.1)view 2)level 3)way 4)floating 5)nearby 6)huts 7)at
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