I went to the bus stop a quarter to seven, but the bus was not there and I decided to walk home. 2. Let's go to the dining room at ten o'clock. There at this time there are no people. 3. I was there to five. 4. Yesterday lessons ended at half past six, and we decided to take a walk. 6.Prihodite here, please, at twelve-thirty. Together we'll go to the library. 7.Pozavchera I had residues in the institute to half of the ninth. 1. You go to dinner with me now, right? Netzh.ya-I am afraid that I could go only through chas., I'll go alone. I really want to have. I had breakfast at half seggodnya sedmogo.2. You're hungry? Really? Do you want some soup?-No, I'm not hungry. I just really want pit.Day me tea. 3.What are you doing on Saturday? _ We would like to go to a restaurant. We will be glad if you will join us. 4. Anna told me that she has tickets to a new movie, and asked if I wanted to go with her. She did not want to go alone, and her friend could not go, because she's not well chuvstvovala.6. Here salt. I think potatoes are not salty. 7. Let him say, finally, when he will have time to come to nam.8. He said that when the finished article, it will come to us and tell all. 9. We can use this room as a dining room, it is large enough. 10. Your tea is strong enough? 11. Can you give me a cigarette? - Unfortunately, I have no one there.
2 How many percent of the Russian people continue to holiday somewhere in Russia?
3 What percentage of Russian travelers prefer seaside resorts abroad?
4 How many types of Russian travelers abroad?
5 What percentage of people continue to rest package tour
6 What percentage of independent tourists who travel on their own?
7 What percentage of business travelers go to rest abroad?
8 How many percent of people visiting friends and relatives abroad?
9 How many percent of people travel just over the border?
10 Where tourists abroad often go ?