1. The virus of hepatitis is very resistant and even does not destroy it.
a. freezing
b. sterilizing
c. boiling
d. washing
e. drying
2. Suger is good for recovery of the .
A. stomach
B. heart
C. liver
D. throat
E. kidney
3. In 4-5 days the urine becomes dark in colour ,and later the eyes and become yellow.
A. hair
B. skin
C. lip
D. nose
E. neck
4. During mumps both sides of the may swell .
A. face
B. mouth
C. neck
D. ear
E heard
5. Whooping cough is a prolonged one and may last2-3 months.
A. sore throat
B. fever
C. cough
D. running nose
E. sneezing
6. Chikenpox is usually a mild and there is no particular treatment.
A. wound
B. pain
C. disease
D. ache
E. injury
7. We can prevent with oral polio vaccine .
A. hepatitus
B. poliomyelitis
C. tonsillitis
D. diphtheria
E. tetanus
8. The cause of typhoid is a .
A. virus
B. streptococus
C. bacillus
D. fungi
E. protozoa
9. The main symptoms of tetanus are stiffness of jaw, spasms and convulsions ,difficulty in
A. breathing
B. drinking
C. swallowing
D. eating
E. bathing
10. There is a whitish in the throat.
A. rash
B. sport
C. patch
D. gland
E. swelling
11. Diphtheria is a highly disease which mainly effects the throat.
A. contagious
B. dangerous
C. infectious
D. continuous
E. swallowing
12.There is fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and pain in the .
A. stomach
B. chest
C. heard
D. head
E. abdomen
13.Even the or sight of food may the person sick.
A. smell
B. colour
C. weight
D. number
E. importance
14.During the hepatitis, the appetite returns and the comes down.
A. arterial pressure
B. temperature
C. fever
D. weight
E. pain
15. may affect testicles in boys and ovaries in girls, resulting in sterility.
A. mumps
B. whooping cough
C. german measles
D. typhoid
E. tetanus
16. is a mild disease with low grade fever , some pain behind ears due to enlargement of glands , and a mild pinkish rash.
A. typhoid
B. tetanus
C. diphtheria
D. mumps
E. german measles
17.The main symptoms of slight fever, headache, malaise.
A. typhoid
B. tetanus
C. tonsillitis
D. diphtheria
E. mumps
18. The main symptoms of slight fever, general discomfort, headache, stiff neck, stiff back.
A. diphtheria
B. mumps
C. tetanus
D. poliomyelitis
E. typhoid
19.Whooping cough is a prolonged one and may last2-3 months.
A. sore throat
B. fever
C. cough
D. running nose
E. sneezing
20. What kind of science is Pharmacy?
B.medicinal substances
C.anesthetizing means
E. drugs
чееел, вот
1. since (Идет дождь с пятницы.)
2. at (Я не видел тебя дома.)
3. from – in (Откуда ты родом? – Россия. Но живу я в Германии.)
4. for – in (Подожди меня. Я вернусь через час.)
5. to – by (Мы часто ездим в Сочи на поезде.)
6. for (Люси работает официанткой в течение 4 лет.)
7. until (Он не мог заснуть до трех утра.)
8. after (Ее назвали в честь бабушки?)
9. in (Они интересуются философией.)
10. of (Я не люблю кошек.)
11. at (Тебе надо повернуть налево на углу.)
12. At – on (В 10 часов Бен разговаривал по телефону.)
13. at (Они все еще на работе.)
14. to (Он никогда не ходит в кино.)
15. of – by (Портрет моей матери был написан известным художником.)