1. Вам следует усердно работать, чтобы подготовиться к своим экзаменам.
You have to work hard to get prepared for your exams
2. Если вы хотите составить свои экзамены успешно, берите ответственность за свое собственное обучение.
If you want to pass your exams successfully, take responsibility for your own studying.
3. Мы не знаем точно сколько людей изучает иностранные языки.
We don't know exactly how many people study foreign languages.
4. Ты веришь в суеверия?
Are you superstitious?
5. Если ты истощен, выбери музыку, которая заставит тебя расслабиться.
If you are (emotionally) drained, choose the music which will make you relax.
11. London is (far from) Paris, but Moscow is (farther).
12. Do you think that money is (more important than) love?
13. In my opinion, John is one of(the luckiest) men in the world.
14. These Maths exerclses are (more difficultthan) yours.
15. Romeo and Juliet is (the most romantic) play we have ever read.
16. Your sister is (the youngest) in your family.
17. I am (worse) at Geography than my sister, but i am (better) at History.
18. He thinks that italian food is (more delicious than) Spanish food.
19. Helen"s clothes are (more fashionable than) Susan's.
20. Sam"s grandmother is (the most helpfull) person i"ve ever met.