Read the text about walrus and label the picture 3 with one word from the text. A sea animal from the Arctic Circle Parts of a Walrus hind flippers Walrus is a large sea animal that lives in the Arctic Ocean. They are social animals - they live in groups. Walrus are huge in size and weigh up to 1.5 tons - it is the weight of a small car! They have small eyes located high on the head. Most walruses have 18 teeth in their mouth. From the mouth, they, like elephants, have two large tusks. Usually, they use them to cut ice, fight, and get out of the water. They are perfect swimmers. They can dive up to 90 meters and stay underwater for up to 30 minutes. They have triangle-shaped flippers. In the water, they use them when they swim. They have a very thick skin that protects them from the icy water and low temperature.
Abstract (derived from lat. abstractio - removal, diversion) - art direction, refused to approximate to the real image forms in painting and sculpture. The avant-garde (derived from the French. avant-garde - the vanguard) - a set of experimental, modernist, highlighted the unusual, exploratory beginnings in the art of the 20th century. Animals (derived from lat. animal - animal) is a genre of fine art where the main subject of the image are animal. Decorative painting - painting, created for the purpose of interior decoration or additions to the design space.
Last Sunday was the most unusual and jolly day in my life. My mother, father and I went to the circus show. There we saw a lot of clever animals, brave circus artists and funny clowns. We don't often go to the circus, so I enjoyed that evening very much. I laughed a lot because small dogs did a lot of funny tricks and the clowns also told a lot of funny jokes. During the second part of the show we saw tigers. They perfomed nice tricks and jumped through the fire. After the show we discussed it on the way home.
2 tusks
3 flippers