Where does Alexander Smith work? He works as a Sales Manager in Newtech company.
When was Newtech company established? It was established in 1982, more than 18 years ago.
Is it a Russian or British company? It is a Russian company.
What does the company specialize in? The company specializes in producing process equipment for food industry.
How many departments does the company consist? It consists of 8 departments.
Where does 18 per cent of their budget go to? 18 per cent of their budget goes to research and development.
Who is a Managing Director of the company? Mr. Klincov is a Managing Director of the company.
How many people does the company employ? The number of employees is about seven hundred people.
Where is the head office located? The head office is in Volgograd.
Where does the company have important branches? It has important branches in Samara and Saratov.
Where are three factories of the company located? Three factories of the company are also located in Volgograd, Saratov, Samara.
Production of their company corresponds to the highest technical level and standards existing in the world, doesn't it? Yes, it does.
When did they start an export division? They started an export division in 1992.