The car of my dream has to be in one copy that I would have only one! It would be color silvery as the spaceship. The car would be very fast and only the sharp eye will notice it. With outside it would seem small but when you will come into salon it it would be huge. There would be all that I wanted, the pool, small bar, the TV. Still there would be many buttons and when you will press one, the car will have wings and then it смоглабы to depart. Certainly such car isn't present, but it is my dream!
They had much trouble with their engine had – past simple от глагола ( to have) У них было много проблем с двигателем. This is the agenda of our meeting. is - Present simple oт глагола ( be ) Это повестка дня нашего собрания. The contract will be ready next Monday will be - future simple от глагола (to be) Контракт будет готов в следующий понедельник Our chief engineer has just signed this declaration of inspection. has signed – present perfect от ( sign) Наш старший механик только что подписал отчет инспекции. Who is repairing this equipment? is repairing - Present Continuous oт repair Кто ремонтирует это оборудование? 2. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы My friend is a chief engineer of the passenger liner. My friend is not a chief engineer of the passenger liner. Is my friend a chief engineer of the passenger liner? The dockers are unloading the cargo. The dockers are not unloading the cargo. Are the dockers unloading the cargo? There are some freezing holds in this ship. Are there any freezing holds in this ship? There are not any freezing holds in this ship. Our ship carried much fuel oil last voyage. Our ship did not carry not much fuel oil last voyage. Did our ship carry much fuel oil last voyage? He will repair this winch in five days. He will not repair this winch in five days. Will he repair this winch in five days?