Летней порой случаются всякие чудеса. Стоит лес в зелёной шубке, под ногами – зелёная травушка, сплошь усыпанная росой. Но что это? Ещё вчера на этой полянке ничего не было, а сегодня она сплошь усеяна маленькими, красными, словно драгоценными, камешками. Это ягодка – земляника. Разве это не чудо?
Summer sometimes happen all sorts of miracles. Worth it in the forest green coat, under the feet – green travushka, entirely strewn with the dew. But what is it? Yesterday on this clearing nothing was, but today it is entirely dotted with small, red, like precious, stones. This is the berry – strawberries. Isn't that a miracle?
- What do you think about creating a coworking space for our school?
- What a great idea! I support your idea.
- Terrific! We will need to create a plan how to organase it.
- No problem, I'm free on Monday. What do you think about buying some bag chairs to sit on the them in coworking place?
- That's wonderful! We should try and finв cheap ones.
- And what do you think of locating coworking place in the canteen?
- I don't think it's exciting because there are too many people.
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