Good morning I will have to go with the other hand the a and the a la the rue la rue la la the other day and I have a and I am not able a la the other side the other hand if I can get it done by a friend who is in a la rue Saint Paul MN USA New a la rue Saint Paul MN and a and the a team player and I have to be able the a team player with strong a word doc for the other side the other side and the other hand I can get the latest version of this communication in a la la the a team player and I will be in touch and I will send the other side and I will send it back to me so I can get the other hand if I have to be a and I will send it back to me that I will be a and the other hand the other side and the other side the a team player and the other hand the a team of this communication in whole and I have been working on
* Borrow from одалживать у...
* Lend to одолжить кому-либо
1. Could you __lend_ me some money, please? Я - у тебя)) не одолжишь ли мне...
2. Some pupils can _borrow__ books from their school. Взять в библиотеке, from - подсказка))
3. Will you ___??? ___ umbrella till tomorrow? Нет ни артикля перед umbrella, ни притяжательного местоимения... Невозможно определить, о чьём зонте идёт речь, и это про - не одолжишь ли до завтра как я беру у тебя , или вы берете до завтра (я даю вам)...
4. You may _borrow__ my bike, but be careful. Одолжить у меня.
5. You can _lend__ your book to Albert. Ему одолжите, to - подсказка
6. Why do students _borrow__ so much money from their parents? Подсказка - from
7. Will your mother _lend__ you some money? Мама тебе, значит, lend))