1. I am 18 years old. 2. I was 15 three years ago. 3. My family is not very big. 4. Our flat is in the centre of the city. 5. We are not married yet. 6. Last year his uncle was 45 years old. 7. My mother and father are at work. 8. I will be an engineer in four years. 9. Mark is a sociable boy at school. 10. Will you be a programmer after yo u graduate from university? 11. Were they married in 2008? 12. Alex is not her brother, he is her boyfriend. 13. Maria’s mother was in her offi ce at 12 o’clock yesterday. 14. I am not at home now. I am at the lesson. 9 15. They are not happy together be cause they are different: she is modest and he is ambitiou
Я из России.Из Великой страны. Страны с большой буквы. Площадь — около 17 млн. км?. Столица — город Москва. В России 13 мегаполисов с населением более миллиона человек: Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Нижний Новгород, Волгоград, Самара, Пермь, Уфа, Казань, Новосибирск, Екатеринбург, Омск, Челябинск и Ростов-на-Дону. В стране насчитывается 1030 городов, 2153 поселков городского типа и неисчислимое количество сел и деревень. Население — по переписи 2005 года 143,3 млн. человек, основная часть которых проживает в европейской части, за Уралом проживает только 20% всего населения.В составе России 21 автономная республика, 6 краев, 49 областей, два города федерального значения, одна автономная область и десять автономных округов. Россия – одна из самых многонациональных стран мира - около 160 национальностей и народностей.И это ещё не всё. О моей любимой стране много чего можно написать , но слов не хватит.
I am 18 years old.
I was 15 three years ago.
My family is not very big.
Our flat is in the centre of the city.
We are not married yet.
Last year his uncle
was 45 years old.
My mother and father are at work.
I will be an engineer
in four years.
Mark is a sociable boy at school.
Will you be a programmer after yo
u graduate from university?
Were they married in 2008?
Alex is not her brother,
he is her boyfriend.
Maria’s mother was in her offi
ce at 12 o’clock yesterday.
I am not at home now.
I am at the lesson.
15. They are not happy together be
cause they are different: she
is modest and he is ambitiou