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14.07.2020 12:16 •  Английский язык

Writing You’ve got a letter from your English pen-friend in which he/she writes that his/her parents are worried about the lack of exercise in your friend’s life. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which tell him/her

whether you do sport or not and why
what sports are popular with your friends and where they do them
give some pieces of advice on how to keep fit.
Write a letter of at least 150 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

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На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкInternet In My LifeИнтернет в моей жизниInternet is a great invention. It has changed the lives of nearly all people on our planet. Many things have become easier and can be done from the comfort of your own home. For example, people nowadays can order a takeaway food, they can buy clothes online, and they can even work online. Internet is a global world network, which has united people from different countries and of different backgrounds. Thanks to this network, we can chat with friends, meet new people and connect to our distant relatives via video calls. Shopping has become much easier. If you don’t have time to go to the store, you can order all the necessary products at the online store and they are delivered within a day. Same can be done with medical pills, railway tickets, shoes, dresses and any other items. In my opinion, it is very convenient. However, it seems that with the appearance of Internet people have become lazier. They rarely walk or do physical exercises. They don’t need to bother much if everything can be done with one click of a button. My family is a fan of active life, so we try to order online only urgent items. If we want to shop for food or clothes, we go to the nearest supermarket or mall. The question is why we need Internet. I mostly use it to chat with my friends, especially those who live in other towns. I also like communicating through social networks and reading books online. Other than that I find lots of educational information via Internet. Obviously, it is one of the most useful tools in the life of modern people. In my opinion, Internet is of great help in everyday life. We just need to learn how to separate useful information from useless. Moreover, we shouldn’t neglect live communication and sports.Интернет - это великое изобретение. Он изменил жизнь почти всех людей на нашей планете. Многие вещи стали проще и могут быть сделаны в комфортных, домашних условиях. Например, сегодня люди могут заказать еду на дом, они могут купить одежду в интернете, они могут даже работать через Интернет. Интернет является глобальной мировой сетью, которая объединила людей из разных стран и из разных слоев общества. Благодаря этой сети, мы можем общаться с друзьями, знакомиться с новыми людьми и общаться с дальними родственниками посредствам видеозвонков. Шопинг стал намного проще. Если у вас нет времени сходить в магазин, вы можете заказать все необходимые продукты в интернет-магазине и они будут доставлены в течение дня. То же самое можно сделать с медикаментами, железнодорожными билетами, обувью, платьями и другими предметами обихода. На мой взгляд, это очень удобно. Однако мне кажется, что с появлением Интернета люди стали более ленивыми. Они редко прогуливаются, не делают физических упражнений. Им не нужно ни о чем беспокоиться, так как все можно сделать одним нажатием кнопки. Моя семья за активный образ жизни, поэтому мы стараемся заказывать онлайн только самые необходимые предметы. Если мы хотим купить еду или одежду, мы идем в ближайший супермаркет или торговый центр. Вопрос в том, зачем нам нужен Интернет. Я, в основном, использую его для общения с друзьями, особенно с теми, кто живет в других городах. Я также люблю общаться через социальные сети и читать книги онлайн. Помимо этого я нахожу много образовательной информации через Интернет. Очевидно, что это один из наиболее полезных инструментов в жизни современных людей. На мой взгляд, Интернет является большим подспорьем в повседневной жизни. Нам просто нужно научиться отделять полезную информацию от бесполезной. Более того, не стоит пренебрегать живым общением и спортом.
4,6(36 оценок)
1. Yesterday morning, at ten o'clock, something happened at the local bank located in the high street. This means the event I am going to describe took place in the morning of the previous day.

2. Just one minute after ten o'clock, the police got involved. This suggests that some incident happened at the local bank, possibly a crime or an emergency, and the police responded very quickly.

3. A few minutes later, the police arrived at the bank. This implies that the police officers reached the bank within a short period of time from the moment they were notified or called. They might have come in a patrol car or on foot.

At this point, we have established that there was an event at the local bank, and the police was notified and subsequently arrived at the bank.

4. At twenty minutes past ten, the robbers' fingerprints were discovered. This means that the authorities or investigators found fingerprints at the crime scene, presumably left behind by the criminals involved in the incident. Fingerprints are unique to each individual, so finding them can help the police identify the people responsible for the crime.

5. At half past eleven, the robbers were still at large or had not been caught. This means that by this time, which is an hour and a half after the initial incident, the criminals had not been apprehended by the police. They were still on the loose and had not been brought to justice.

6. Finally, next week, something is going to happen regarding the situation. This implies that there will be further developments or actions taken to address the incident or the criminals involved. However, without more context or information, it is unclear what specifically will happen next week.

To summarize, yesterday morning, an event occurred at the local bank in the high street. The police were called and arrived quickly. Fingerprints left by the robbers were discovered at the crime scene. However, by half past eleven, the robbers had not yet been caught. In the future, next week, something will happen regarding this situation.
4,4(62 оценок)
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