г1 how long have you known your best friend? I have known your best friend for
two years
2 how long have you had a computer? I 3 how long have you played the guitar? I
have had a computer since last year
have played for a few years
4 how long have you lived this country? have lived this country since childhood 6 how long have you been a reporter?
I have been a reporter since graduate from University
5 how long have you interested in girls/ boys? I have interested in girls /boys for
fourteen years 7 how long have you been in love?
have been in love since first meet
8 how long have you had problems with your children? I have had problems with my children since become teenager 9 how long have you owened this dacha? I have owened this dacha since 1970 10 how long are there mice in the shop? There are mice in the shop since autumn 11 how long have you wanted be a doctor? I have wanted be a doctor for a long time
12 how long have you interested in computer technology? I have interested in computer technology since last year 13 how long have you worn glasses? | have worn glasses for six year13 how long have you worn glasses? I have worn glasses for six year
14 how long have you been angry with other? I have been angry with other for a
15 how long have you been in this country? I have been in this country since last Monday
16 how long have you had boyfriend? I have had boyfriend for several months 17 how long is there a karaoke club here? There is a karaoke club since winter
я не уверена правильно если где то повторяется заранее извиняюсь.
See, most of the people in today’s world are confused about the relationship between parents and children. Should the child listen to their parents in everything or the parent should listen to the child in everything or is it a half half deal? Many number of people do not know how it should be.
Some says, it should be friendship and/or love between parents and children. But, these days, friendship, love and all such bla bla things are so much economical and fragile and get broken so easily any time when a parent/child do not get what he/she wants! So, such emotions seem nice at the moment but do not work longer.
Some says parents should raise their children within the limits and decide their career and marriage too. Some other says parents should give full freedom to children in everything. If the parents are limiting the child, then unknowingly, actually the parents are taking away the unlimited possibility and Life of the child. If the parents are giving all freedom to the child then the child will mess up with everything and his Life will be designed according to permutations of the surrounding people and situations which are out of control. Some says parents should teach their children everything about Life. Some other says parents should actually learn from the children and get updated. See, if the parents want to teach Life to the children, then first the parents must be knowing the Life in its entirety or if the children tell their parents about Life, then the children must be aware of the Life first. Today, many of the parents feel like they know everything about Life. So do the children. But, the reality is many of the parents/children today do not know the Life in its entirety or not even closer to that. So, where is the question of parents teaching to children or children telling to parents?? Some says parents are like god to children. Some other says children are god gift to the parents. See, with due respect, we may say parents are gods to children or children are god gift to the parents, but the reality is all of us are humans! This godlike attribution actually distorts the people from originality and takes us away from the reality. So, this godly nature to humans has nothing to do with the reality. We must understand this first. The people who talked too much about respect to parents are actually the people who will beat their parents and never care their parents.
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