Cosmos-for me personally, this word has always been mysterious, heroic, causing only respect, I would even say symbolizing courage. It is impossible not to admire people who perform complex missions in completely unusual and uncomfortable conditions for a person. But all this is for the sake of science.
Space is an extremely hostile environment for humans. By a combination of unfavorable factors, the cosmic void has no earthly competitors, except for open fire. The peculiarities of the life of astronauts in orbit are not romance, but a huge stressful and dangerous work. The flight takes place in almost complete vacuum, weightlessness, with very large temperature differences and under the influence of ionizing radiation. But even in such conditions, a person has learned not just to survive, but to work productively — with the help of special equipment.
Even now, when the experience of near-earth flights is estimated for years, ensuring life in space remains an extremely difficult technical and medical task. Its decision is entrusted to the life support system. These include devices and supplies for the uninterrupted supply of air, water and food to the crew, for air and water purification, temperature control and sanitary and hygienic support. The life support system works continuously, starting with the landing of the crew in the spacecraft at the launch complex and ending with the landing of the lander. The system has very strict requirements. First of all, it requires reliability, which ensures safety and comfortable conditions for the crew at all stages of the flight. The weightlessness of space makes life unbearable. Compliance with the usual rules of hygiene becomes a problem. But thanks to scientists, doctors, designers, these problems were solved.
The most common question asked to people who have been in space, oddly enough, is not "What does the Earth look like from space? "or" what does weightlessness look like? "but" How do you go to the toilet? " This is a good question, and space agencies have spent a huge amount of time trying to simplify this process as much as possible. The first space toilets worked with a simple air mechanism: air sucked excrement into the container. There was also a special vacuum tube for urination. Some early Shuttle models also used a more direct version called the "relief tube". As shown in the film "Apollo 13", the urine from this tube fell directly into space.
One of the most important toilet systems was the air filtration system. The air that carried the excrement was the same air needed for breathing, so a failure in the filters could turn the cabin into a very unpleasant place to stay. Over time, the devices have become more diverse. After women began to fly into space, a special urination system with an oval "collector"was created for them. Rotating fans, storage methods, and waste management systems have been added and improved. Today, some space toilets are so complex that they can even dispose of urine back into drinking water.
Many years ago, space stations tried to equip analogs of shower cabins, but they turned out to be impractical: in zero gravity, water does not flow down the body, curdling into large drops. This idea had to be abandoned, and now instead of washing with water in space, special gels and wet towels are used. To wash their hair, astronauts use a special shampoo that does not require rinsing with water — it is easy to remove it from the hair with ordinary dry towels.
1) Nick bumped into his friend while he was running in the park.
2) When she came home, Gwen had fed her cat, had made dinner and was watching TV. ("she" и Gwen разные люди)
3) Liz made a phone call and then left the office.
4) My brother had cooked dinner by the time I got home.
5) The player had twisted his ankle, so he couldn’t play football.
6) Mum had breakfast and left for work.
7) When Jim was younger, he lived with his parents.
8) Harry had been planting seeds in the garden so his clothes were dirty.
9) By the time we got home, our family mates had eaten all the cake.
10) When I was a child, I played (или I used to play) football twice a week, but I don’t play anymore.