Who will change the ship's course? They will define the ship's position. We will solve many astronomical problems during our coming voyage. Will you work at the Engine Department? -No, I won't. He will be a very good radio-officer in two or three years. Will they help you to repair life-boats? We won't take bearings. Navigators will do it. Our Chief Engineer will be responsible for the reliable operation of the engine.
1) The Moskva River is shorter ..than . the Volga. 2) Ben is ..as. strong as his brother. 3) In summer it is hotter in the south .than.. in the north. 4) The film is .as.. interesting as the book. 5) My car is not ..as. old as your car. 6) The weather in spring is more pleasant .than.. in late autumn. 7) The days are longer in summer than... in winter. 8) The museum is as old .as.. the theatre. 9) The bedroom is cosier .than.. the living-room. 10) Leo Tolstoy is .as.. famous in Russia as Alexander Pushkin.
We have got a nice flat. - У нас хорошая квартираю There are two rooms in our flat: a living room and my bedroom. В квартире есть гостинная комната и моя спальня. There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet in our room too. Есть кухня, ванная комната и туалет тоже. We have no car and no garage, and no garden too. У нас нет машины и нет гаража и сада тоже нет. In the living room there is a sofa, a TV-set, a table and four chairs. В гостинной стоит диван, телевизор, стол и 4 стула. In my room there is my bed, a chair, а desk, and а computer. В моей комнате стоит моя кровать, стул, стол и компьютор. I like our flat. Мне нравится наша квартира.
Who will change the ship's course? They will define the ship's position. We will solve many astronomical problems during our coming voyage. Will you work at the Engine Department? -No, I won't. He will be a very good radio-officer in two or three years. Will they help you to repair life-boats? We won't take bearings. Navigators will do it. Our Chief Engineer will be responsible for the reliable operation of the engine.