ответ:Because of rapid advances of modern technology school and university students of different ages have a possibility to attend classes staying at home. The global pandemic of coronavirus has proved it, whether we like it or not. Although most people agree that this is the only way to continue education without leaving the house, many fear that online learning will replace the traditional school teaching.
The most important benefits of online learning are: it can have a flexible schedule; students can work independently; it is more convenient for students who are pursuing education at an older age.
The weaknesses of studying online are: it is considered to be of lower quality than traditional education; staying motivated and keeping up with assignments is often more difficult; online students do not get the one-on-one interaction with their teachers.
In conclusion, I can say that although technically it’s possible to get education online, I prefer traditional form of learning at school as it is more than just getting knowledge. For me it is also a way of learning to interact with others, to socialize and make friends.
1) To be honest, I don't sleep in the tent very often. the fact is that my family and I rarely go camping and so in my life I have only slept in the tent a couple of times
2) i like camping however i dont have time to go camping so often. i love camping because this is the opportunity to escape from the urban environment and stay in nature. I can enjoy the environment and spend time at fresh air.
3) I remember that when I was on a camping trip with a class, despite numerous prohibitions, I secretly fed wild harmless animals. I thought that nothing serious and terrible would happen. but then, as we continued our trip, this animal kept following us and asking for more food. Then I realized how stupid I was by not listening to my teachers
4) I remember when I was a small child, my mother and I went to a huge shopping center. I was very bored with my mother and while she did not see me, I left her and went to look for sweets. but then I realized that I was lost and started to panic and cry. I remember how scared I was. other people noticed me and helped me find my mother. After this incident, I never left my mother's side