1 Sarah has been playing tennis for three years
2 This is the first time we visit the museum
3 The shop assistand refused to refund the money without a receipt
4 The cashier was forced to hand over the money by the robber
5 It is unlikely for us to move into our new house next month
6 You didn't forget to telephone your parents, did you?
7 If Paul hadn't woken up late, he would not have missed the train
8 Mr Taylor had his car serviced in the garage last week
9 In spite of being injured, he managed to finish the race
10 Although I had a lot of questions, I didn't ask any, because I was afraid
1. genetically modified food can have more intense taste
ГМО еда имеет более насыщенный вкус
2 it is cheaper for any government to produce genetically modified food
Для государства дешевле производить ГМО еду
3 genetically modified food is available in any country
ГМО еда может быть доступна в любой стране
4 companies make good money selling this kind of food
Компании зарабатывают много на ГМО продуктах
5 genetically modified food can be stored for longer than natural products
ГМО продукты хранятся дольше натуральных
1. Many scientists say that genetically modified foods are dangerous for our physical health
Многие ученые говорят что ГМО вредны для нашего физического здоровья
2. The factories that produce genetically modified food pollute our environment
Фабрики которые продуцируют ГМО еду загрязняют окружающую среду
3 when you eat genetically modified food the risk of obesity is high for you
Когда ты ешь ГМО еду риск ожирения велик для тебя
4. Genetically modified food can even cause mental diseases
ГМО продукты могут даже вызывать ментальные расстройства
5. People can become addicted to this kind of food
Люди могут пристраститься к этому виду еды
Но какими бы - Перед человечеством неотвратимо встала задача разумного