You'll never believe what happened to us the other day! While my brother and I WERE WATCHING TV, we SAW a tiny grey mouse running across the room. We 3. PANICKED and SCREAMED . Our parents WEREN'T
at home and we
HAD to do something quickly. We CLOSED the doors and
TRAPPED the mouse in the living room. While my brother WAS LOOKING for
the mouse under the sofa, I got a basket and 10
WAITED. A few minutes later we
SAW its little tail behind the coffee table. 'Now we'll get you!' said my
The mouse WAS scared and 13.
DIDN'T KNOW where to go. When it
GOT out of its shelter, 1.15..
THROWED the basket over it and luckily
we TRAPPED it. But it WAS so cute that we
DIDN'T WANT to kill it. So we DECIDED to take it to the
nearest field and set it free. You just can't imagine how fast it DISAPPEARED. That
was quite an adventure for it, wasn't it?
The actions of this film began late at night, each of the family members had dreams with different plots. Meanwhile, while the whole family was sleeping soundly, without foreshadowing trouble, a small ball rolled off the shelf that randomly turned on the oven at full power in which the turkey was waiting to be cooked. The night has replaced the morning. The cat woke up first, smelling an unpleasant smell and seeing black smoke that came from the oven. The cat in hysterics ran wherever they looked, if only away from the stove, which, as it seemed to him, would explode. Running away, the cat pressed his paws on the phone, as a result of luck, he dialed the number of the rescue service.It would seem that the problem has been solved, help is on the way. But the cat, being in a furious fright, rushed in pursuit, destroying everything in its path. The dishes were broken, the cupboard was overturned, the tree burned down, the chandelier was out of order. Finally, the cat focused all its attention on the oven from which black, thick smoke was released in large quantities. Immediately gathering his will into a fist, and with the last of his strength, the cat rushed into the street, taking with him sparklers. Rushing with all his might, he was stopped by a rescue vehicle. They turned off the oven, put out the turkey. The house was saved, the holiday took place, everyone celebrated Christmas happily and amicably!
-Mom, I've decided to go to a football team!
- I don't think so! Have you seen your grades? If you don't think you'll become a world football star, you better get on doing your Math homework.
-But Mom, I've already done that!
-Then do your English homework! You have more bad grades than any child should. Don't you ever think about your future?
-Mommy, the phone is ringging.
-oh, i'll get that! Hallo. Yeas, Hy Dolly.
-Mom, I will do my homework now.
-Honey, do not talk, i am on a phone.
- Ok, i just want you to know.
-Thats great honey. Sorry Dolly... yeas... and what did he say...
-Oh, yea... after homework i will join the football team.
-Great dear, i support you totally. Sorry again Dolly. So ehat did you answer? no way
-Gossip... it can maje you agree on everything... Thank you mom
-Any time! Yeas Dolly, I'm here...