Is this necessary to live in the native speaking enviromental to master your language? It is a very difficult question to answer. More and more people claim that it's really important to live in a native speaking country to learn language you are studying.
I don't agree with those ones i've mentioned before. From my own experience I can say that it's not neseccary to live somewhere to master yourself. I mean you can easily learn any language you want to learn at home on your own. And that's all about the internet any many other different sources of information.
Due to the internet you can easily find any information you're interested in from speaking to writing. Quite frankly, I could be difficult for some people if they're too lazy to ascertain something without somebody's help. So, in other words, it's all up to you, you decide what to do. If you are smart enough go study at home, but if you have tons of money you can go wherever you want and study abroad.
In conclusion, despite lots of differrent sources of information some people still believe that this is necessary to live abroad. I wish people would change their minds and master their language for almost nothing on their own!
(skateboarding) this is not actually a sport but a hobby. it is very popular among teenagers. all you need is a board, a pair of sport shoes and plenty of free time. In some cities you can find special places designed specially for the guys who are fond of this sport. However you can do this sport only in summer and spring on the open air. In autumn its too wet and in winter its snowing.
(tennis) this sport requires a lot of time and money. The equipmrnt costs a lot. You need a basket of balls, a racket and a sports suit. but it's worth it. The sport is very challenging... (что-то не придумывается больше)
(polo) this sport is from a group of water sports. this sport has become very popular in Europe. that is why they construct pools in open air. this is a team sport. It is mostly for boys. All you need is a swimming suit and a cap. You can easily recognise if a boy does this kind of sport or no. Their bodies develop very fast, for example, their sholders grow wide. this is because this sport is hard and tiring but increases your endurance.