1. seat belt / your / wear / always. 2. talk to / driver / the / don't. 3. before / look /both ways /crossing. 4. into / don't run / the / road. 5. the / pavement / walk / on. Составить из этих слов предложения. большое заранее!!❤❤
1) The Rubik's Cube is a very fun activity you can take part in during your free time- either when you are bored or have nothing to do.
2) The Rubik's Cube is a 3-D combination puzzle invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik.
3) The goal of the game is to solve the Rubik's cube and it took Ernő Rubik one month to learn how to solve it because there are 42 Quintillion possibilities, but only one correct solution.
4) In 1997, Richard Korf's research showed that the Rubik's cube could be solved in a median of 18 moves, and no more than 20 should be needed.
5) There could be as many players as you would like- you can try and solve it alone, or with a few friends or you can also host a championship where there will be a few competitors trying to solve the cube as fast as they can.
6) I love this game because it is a very interesting series of algorithms, it helps you get better problem-solving skills and gets your brain to work faster.
1) Кубик Рубик - очень забавное занятие, в котором вы можете принять участие в свободное время - когда вам скучно или нечего делать. 2) Кубик Рубик - это трехмерная комбинационная головоломка, изобретенная в 1974 году венгерским скульптором и профессором архитектуры Эрн Рубиком. 3) Цель игры - решить куб Рубика, и Эрн Рубику понадобилось один месяц, чтобы узнать, как его решить, потому что есть 42 Квинтиллиона вариантов но только одно правильное решение. 4). В 1997 году, исследование Ричарда Корфа показало, что Кубик Рубик можно решить в медиане 18 ходов, и потребуется не более 20. 5) Может быть столько игроков, сколько вы хотели бы - вы можете попробовать и решить это самостоятельно или с несколькими друзьями, или вы также можете принять чемпионат, где будет несколько конкурентов, пытающихся решить куб так же быстро, как они могут. 6) Мне нравится эта игра, потому что это очень интересная серия алгоритмов, она вам лучше справляться с решением проблем и быстрее работать вашим мозгом.
I'm too busy today. I have nothing left to do but call him and cancel our meeting. 2. - You look tired, you'd better go home. - No, I would prefer to finish the work today. 3. - I can not help but notice that you've been acting disgusting lately. - And you just do that you grumble. 4. - Let's go for a walk. "I'd rather stay at home and read a book than go for a walk in such rainy weather." 5. Why not talk to the dean? 6. He had no choice but to admit his guilt. 7. She only does that she is silent. It is almost impossible to talk it. 8. It is better to stay at home for a few more days, worse from this it will become. 9. Stop prompting. This you just completely confuse him. 10. Why not consult a doctor if you feel bad lately? 11. I can not disagree with you. 12. Is not it easier to quit smoking than to go to doctors? 13. Tom smiled subtly. John could not help but smile. 14. Put skates on, and let's ride together. 15. I'd better hurry, otherwise they can go without me. 16. Perhaps I'd rather start working than I'll waste time talking about nothing. 17. I have too little money, and I have no choice but to spend the summer in the city. 18. I spent three days only enjoying reading a novel. 19. You'd better go upstairs and go to bed. 20. I could not help but wonder at the strange coincidence of circumstances. 21. Doctors try to do everything in their power, and so far nothing remains for us, how to sit and hope for the best. 22. I'd rather buy a gift in advance, otherwise I might forget. 23. I have a more interesting occupation than listening to your constant complaints. 24. She called you today several times. Better call her right now, maybe she needs your help. 25. I'd rather walk than go in such a crowded bus. 26. Did not you hear that the clock had already struck midnight? 27. Whatever he does, he always manages to make me laugh. 28. The last time you just do that you lie to me. 29. Well, why be angry with the stone, if you yourself stumbled over it?
ответ:1. Always wear a seat belt - Всегда пристегивай ремень безопасности.
2. Don't talk to the driver. - Не разговаривай с водителем.
3. Look both ways before crossing - Посмотри в обе стороны перед тем как переходить дорогу.
4. Don't run into the road. - Не выбегай на дорогу.
5. Walk on the pavement. - Иди по тротуару.