как найти синус, косинус, тангенс и котангенс угла А и угла В в прям. треугольнике с угло С 90 градусов, стороны равны (3,4,5) , где 5- это гипотенуза
I. P I - participle I, P II - participle II, P P - perfect participle;
1) building - P I, active voice, часть сказуемого 2) visiting - P I, active voice, обстоятельство 3) having translated - P P, active voice, обстоятельство 4) discussed - P II, passive voice, обстоятельство 5) having been built - P P, passive voice, определение
II. I G - indefinite gerund, P G - perfect gerund 1) going - I G, active voice, дополнение 2) being given - P G, passive voice, часть сказуемого 3) using - I G, active voice, подлежащее 4) reading - I G, active voice, определение 5) having given - P G, active voice, обстоятельство
This new music is very different but I really don't like it. The earth will be so polluted that we won't be able to live on it anymore. I'm afraid I won't be able to come . Does life exist on Venus? All non-stategic nuclear weapons from multi-submarines must be removed. Moon Shuttle is a game that was released by Nichibutsu in 1981. He hasn't got enough money to buy a car. She believes in spirits. All of these traffic jams drive me crazy. The fuel tank is almost empty. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers can cause pollution.
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