Yuri Gagarin was the first cosmonaut in the world. Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was born on the 9th of March, 1934. He was born in the village of Klushino in the Smolensk region. Yura was an active, brave and curious boy. His father was jack of all trades and he helped his son when Yura made toy planes by hand. But the war began. Yuri Gagarin and his mother, father, brother and sister left their house and had to live in a dug-out. After the war Gagarin's family moved to Gzhatsk. Now it is Gagarin. It was named after the first cosmonaut. In 1951 Gagarin graduated from a vocational school in Lyubertsy near Moscow. Yuri Gagarin attended an aeroclub and began to fly when he was a student of a technical secondary school in Saratov. In 1955 he entered a school for pilots. Then he became a pilot and joined the first group of cosmonauts. In 1960 Gagarin began to prepare for the flight into space. On April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin flew into space and spent 108 minutes there. Jt was the first time in history that the Russian spaceship "Vostok" with the man on board was in space. After his flight he visited many countries and saw millions of people. Gagarin became a Hero of our country. He died in 1968, but people always remember the first Russian cosmonaut. Перевод:Юрий Гагарин стал первым космонавтом в мире. Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин родился 9 марта 1934 года. Он родился в деревне Klushino в Смоленской области. Юра был активным, смелым и любопытный мальчик. Его отец был мастер на все профессии, и он его сын, когда Юра сделал игрушку самолеты вручную. Но началась война. Юрий Гагарин и его мать, отец, брат и сестра покинули свои дома и жить в вырыли отказа. После войны семья Гагариных переехала в Gzhatsk. Теперь Гагарины. Он был назван в честь первого космонавта. В 1951 году Гагарин окончил профессионально-техническое училище в Люберцы под Москвой. Юрий Гагарин присутствовал aeroclub и начали летать, когда он был студентом технического среднюю школу в Саратове. В 1955 году он поступил в школу летчиков. Потом он стал пилот и присоединились к первой группе космонавтов. В 1960 году Гагарин начал готовиться к полету в космос. На 12 апреле 1961 года Юрий Гагарин летел в космос и провел там 108 минут. Jt Впервые в истории российского космического корабля "Восток" с человеком на борту находился в космосе. После своего полета он побывал во многих странах и видел миллионы людей. Гагарин стал героем нашей страны. Он умер в 1968 году, но люди всегда помнят первого российского космонавта.
1 He studied at the University three years ago , and now he is asking to send him to college. 2 She has got a husband, he is very handsome. 3 What are you doing at the moment? We are moving to a new flat. 4 There are few tables, a lamp, a new telephone in my room, but five years ago there was only a sofa here. 5 Who usually does the cooking in your family? My mother cooks every day, but yesterday she didn't feel well and I decided to cook. 6 Next week he will translate a very long and interesting story. I think his teacher won't help him.