3 which group are these animals from? Use the chart to classify them.
chameleon shark bear Owl
Does it feed its babies milk?
Yes. It's a mammal. No. Go to number 2.
Has it got feathers and wings?
Yes. It's a bird No. Go to number 3.
Has it got fins?
Yes. It's a fish.
No. Go to number 4.
Has it got scales?
Yes. It's a reptile.
No. It's an amphibian.
Population of Kirov oblast' is 1 296 958.
Administrative center is the city of Kirov.
Another towns of the region are Kirovo-Chepetsk, Slobodskoi, Vyatskie Plyany, Kotel'nich.
There are 19753 rivers in Kirov oblast'.
Most part of the region is occupied by a pool of Vyatka river.
The climate is moderately continental.
The region has 817 libraries, 40 museums.
Kirov oblast' is famous for its traditional arts and crafts.
Primary branches of the industryare mechanical engineering and metal working; nonferrous and ferrous metallurgy, chemical, microbiological, forest, woodworking and pulp-and-paper, light, food industry, peat.