think of another cultural festival in your country. In groups, collect information under the headings in Ex 3. Use your notes to write a short text for the school English magazine about it.
1. If he arrives early, he will be able to meet my parents. 2. If she doesn't have too much work, she will come and see us this evening. 3. The weather will be freezing tomorrow if it snows. 4. If you play with those paints, you will get dirty. 5. They will not (=won't) visit us if you are too busy. 6. Will you take the medicine if I buy it from the chemist’s? 7. I will not (=won't) go swimming tomorrow if it is cold. 8. If the food is not (=isn't) hot, he won't eat it. 9. If the boss doesn't like her work, she will lose her job. 10. You will feel tired tomorrow if you don't go to sleep now.
Well, what can I tell about my school? it's an ordinary school. It has some teachers and lots of students. But sometimes we have different competitions. For instanse we have a dance competition "Starteenager" We have it every year. But unfortunately we haven't won yet. Also we have some sport competitions like "mather, father and I - we are family". It is not too difficult and it's always funny. What about extracurricular activities and clubs at our school? We had some sport and art clubs. But now there isn't anyone. And it's sad! Although sometimes we have trips. And i like them. Because i think that they combine pupils. Our school isn't as good as English or American schools but anyway we are not worse than they.
2. If she doesn't have too much work, she will come and see us this evening.
3. The weather will be freezing tomorrow if it snows.
4. If you play with those paints, you will get dirty.
5. They will not (=won't) visit us if you are too busy.
6. Will you take the medicine if I buy it from the chemist’s?
7. I will not (=won't) go swimming tomorrow if it is cold.
8. If the food is not (=isn't) hot, he won't eat it.
9. If the boss doesn't like her work, she will lose her job.
10. You will feel tired tomorrow if you don't go to sleep now.