During the life of a person is always in range of the electromagnetic field (EMF) of the Earth. This field, called the background has a certain level at each frequency, which is not harmful to human health, and is considered normal. Natural electromagnetic waves with a frequency range covers from a few hundredths and tenths of Hertz to thousands of gigahertz.
Power lines, radio transmitters create a strong electromagnetic field, many times higher than the permissible level. To protect the rights were developed health standards (GOST 12.1.006-84 regulates the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans), including those that prohibit the construction of residential and other facilities close to strong sources of electromagnetic radiation.
-Дорогая мама. С праздником тебя. С 8 марта!( сын, Стефан)
-Ох сынок. ( мама, миссис Мереди)
- Я пришел не один, заходите. ( сын, Стефан)
-Здравствуйте, миссис Мередит. С праздником вас. Вот ваш подарок.( подруга, Керелайн Кэрелайн. И тебя тоже с 8 марта.( мама, миссис Мередит)
-С праздником вас, Керелайн и миссис Мередит. С 8 марта. ( друг, Мэтт ребята вам большое. ( мама, мимиссис Мередит)
-Незачто. ( сын, Стефан)
-Ладно, пойдемте за стол. Пора праздновать. ( мама, миссис Мередит)
-Dear Mother. Happy holiday. On March 8 (son, Stefan)
-Oh, thank you, son. (Mom, Mrs. Meredith)
- I did not come one, come. (Son, Stefan)
-Hello, Mrs. Meredith. Happy holiday. Here is your gift. (Girlfriend Kerelayn)
Thanks, Kerelayn. And you, too, on March 8. (Mom, Mrs. Meredith)
-Happy holiday, Kerelayn and Mrs. Meredith. From March 8. (Friend, Matt)
Thanks, guys, thank you very much. (Mom, mimissis Meredith)
-Nezachto. (Son, Stefan)
-Okay, let's go to the table. It's time to celebrate. (Mom, Mrs. Meredith)
Если хочешь, имена можешь поменять.