Connect the words correctly.( Соедини правильно слова.) Dance streets Wear festival Sing bright costumes Decorate party treats Cook funny songs Celebrate national dances
Street art - street art developed and grown in space and time of the 20th century, covering thousands of public urban space.
For street art urban space is a huge canvas. Modern street art includes graffiti, stencil graffiti, sticker art, video projection, flash mobs and street installations.
The history of street art started with the fact that in the 60-ies of the 20th century in America on buildings streets began to appear intricate inscriptions, later called "tags". Using tags, the gangs were marked territory of influence.
Currently, street art is a social phenomenon, reflecting the concerns and aspirations of society, and most importantly in this art is to involve the viewer in a dialogue, and not to assign a territory.
The most famous street artists of our time Banksy says that street art is one of the few means of self-expression that you can afford, even if you do not have anything. Artists of street art make attacks on objects of urban space at night and create their own works under the cover of darkness, they determine whether their scene of the protest or entertainment.
Street Art - street art, developed and grown in space and time of the 20th century, covering the territory of thousands of the town square. For street art urban space is a huge canvas. Modern street art includes graffiti, stencil graffiti, sticker art, video projection, flash mobs and street installations. The history of street art began with the fact that in the 60s of the 20th century in America on buildings streets began to appear intricate inscriptions, later known as "tags". With tags street gangs labeled area of influence. Currently, street art - a social phenomenon that reflects the concerns and aspirations of society, and most importantly in this art - to involve the viewer in a dialogue, not to assign territory. The most famous street artist Banksy modernity says that street art - one of the few means of expression that you can afford, even if you do not have anything. Artists street art raid objects of urban space at night and create their works under the cover of darkness, they determine whether their protest scene mode or entertainment.
Dance National Dance
Wear Bright costumes
Sing Funny song
Decorate Streets
Cook Party Treats
celebrate festivaal