Несмотря на сомнения и споры накануне Международного женского дня, этот праздник на самом деле празднуют во многих странах Мира. Вместе с российскими мужчинами в этот день поздравляют женщин в Уганде, Северной Корее, Непале, Монголии, Македонии, Лаосе, Конго, Китае, Камбодже, Гвинее-Бисау, Буркина-Фасо, Анголе. В республиках бывшего СССР 8 марта тоже нерабочий день.
Основной версией возникновения традиции отмечать 8 марта женским днем считается протест работниц фабрик и текстильной промышленности в 1857 году, названный «маршем пустых кастрюль». Женщины требовали сокращения рабочего дня (тогда они работали 16 часов против 10 часов для мужчин), увеличения заработной платы, которая была несравнимо ниже получаемой мужчинами, и улучшения условий труда.
Однако, существует мнение, что это объяснение праздника является выдумкой, придуманной в 1955 году для отделения праздника от коммунистических традиций.
8 марта 1908 года женская социал-демократическая партия Нью-Йорка собрала митинг в поддержку равноправия женщин.
В 1910 году на Второй Международной социалистической женской конференции в Копенгагене Клара
Despite doubts and controversy on the eve of International Women's Day, the holiday is actually celebrated in many countries. Together with the Russian men that day congratulating women in Uganda, North Korea, Nepal, Mongolia, Macedonia, Laos, the Congo, China, Cambodia, Guinea-Bissau, Burkina Faso, Angola. In the former Soviet Union on March 8 a day off, too.
The main version of a tradition to celebrate Women's Day on 8 March is a protest factory worker and the textile industry in 1857, called the "march of empty pots." The women demanded shorter working hours (when they worked 16 hours vs. 10 hours for males), wage increases, which was incomparably smaller men get, and better working conditions.
However, it is believed that this explanation of the holiday is a fiction, invented in 1955 to separate the holiday from the communist tradition.
March 8, 1908 Women's Social Democratic Party in New York brought together a rally in support of women's equality.
In 1910, at the Second International Socialist Women's Conference in Copenhagen Clara
1. Dave is very shy and blushes when strangers talk to him.
2. Carol didn’t answer, she just shrugged her shoulders instead.
3. Kathie is very reliable. She won’t let you down.
4. Mark doesn’t get angry easily. He’s very patient.
5. He was so angry, he clenched his fists tightly.
6. Listen to me! Don’t be so stubborn.
7. Liza has many friends because she is very sociable.
8. A selfish person doesn’t care about other people’s feelings.
9. Don’t believe everything Bill says. He’s a bit insincere.
10. Pessimistic people always see negative side of things.
2. Put the verbs in the correct form of the verb.
I go jogging every morning.
I’m tired. I haven't slept yet.
My brother always wears my clothes.
Why are you looking at me now?
How often do you have English lessons?
The children are dirty. They have been playing football since morning.
We can’t buy the tickets. We have already spent all our money.
I was cooking a cake when he came back home yesterday.
I lived in Brazil two years ago.
It’s hot. I'll open the window.
3. Form adjectives from the following words.
logic – logical
confuse – confusing
fame – famous
effect – effective
fool – foolish
4. Fill in the preposition:
He isn't patient with stubborn people.
She's excellent at maths.
She is very close to her mom.
You shouldn't be jealous of your sister.
5. Fill in: along, across, down, over, over with
When the weather gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a wizard to make the sun shining.
Do you feel like you can't get your ideas across?
I'd like to get my project over with.
Peter couldn't get over the fact that in spite of the accident he got no harm.
My brother gets on well with everybody.
Easter - all the favorite holiday/ To prepare it in advance, even during Lent. It is necessary to fast, eat only lean and soul buduet spiritually purified. Easter must begin with the Easter service. It is necessary to paint the eggs and bake pies. On Saturday, we should go to Church to shine eggs. On Sunday , "Jesus is risen!" - all celebrate Easter.
Пасха - всех любимый праздник. К нему готовятся заранее, еще в Великий пост. Нужно соблюдать пост, есть только постную пищу и душа будет духовно очищаться. Пасха должна начинаться с пасхального Богослужения. Надо красить яйца и печь пироги. В субботу надо идти в церковь светить яйца. В воскресенье "Иисус Воскрес", - все празднуют праздник.