1)I will become the greatest translaitor.You will see! 2)-Where is Tom? -I dont know.He said that he will come at 5 o`clock 3)This is very difficult decision.I will ask my friend about his opinion. 4)My friend always says:"Some people are so used to mobile phones.What they will do without them?" 5)-Brother,I think that i forgot my keys inside... -Its okay,We just will sit here and wait till our parents return
1)-There is raining outside.Where are you going? -I am going to have a walk.There are many things to think about 2)-Okay,we locked.What now? -Now we going to wait till someone comes 3)I am going to become the greatest translaitor.You will see!! 4)-Where is he going? -Dont ask me.He always do that when he have a bad mood.I am going to ask him about it 5)-What happening? -I dont know.I am going to find out it
I think summer is the best season of all because it is warm, the nature is beautiful and we have great opportunities for rest. Summer is a time of holidays. We can go anywhere, spend our time near a river or a lake on fresh, green grass, swim in warm water, or climb mountains, play different games, ride a bicycle and so on.
I spend my summer holidays at my granny’s. There are many things there to do. What I did most of the time - I swam in the sea and sunbathed. Sometimes I made a fire with my friends at the seaside and cooked potatoes there. It was wonderful. We told anecdotes to each other, and did everything we wanted. I also got used to walk alone in the forest.
Как я провел лето
Я думаю, лето - самое лучшее время года, потому что тепло, вокруг очень красиво и у нас есть чудесная возможность отдохнуть. Лето - время отпусков и каникул. Мы можем поехать куда угодно, проводить время у реки или озера на свежей зеленой траве, плавать в теплой воде, или подняться в горы, или играть в различные игры, кататься на велосипеде и т. д.
Я провожу летние каникулы у моей бабули. Там есть чем заняться. Большую часть времени я плавал в море и загорал. Иногда я разжигал с друзьями костер на берегу и мы пекли в нем картошку. Это было замечательно. Мы рассказывали друг другу анекдоты, и делали все, что хотели. А еще я часто ходил один в лес.
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