Жизнь сделана из небольших вещей.
Он, кто рождается дурак, никогда не вылечивается.
Деньги, потраченные на мозг, никогда не тратятся напрасно.
Птица известна ее примечанием, человеком ее разговором.
Скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу тебе, кто ты.
Имя скорее потеряно, чем выигранный.
Life is made of small things.
He who is born the fool, never recovers.
The money spent for a brain, is never spent in vain.
The bird is known for her note, the person her conversation.
Tell me who your friend, and I will tell you who you are.
The name is rather lost, than won.
The paper is produced in paper mills. ... The result is cellulose, the main raw material for papermaking. From one tree, 2857 notebooks of 12 pages are obtained. The most economical way to get wood pulp is mechanical. A woodworking company crushes timber into chips and mixes it with water. This is how poor quality paper is made - for example, for newspapers. Нigh-quality paper - for magazines, books and brochures - is made chemically. With the help of sieves, the fragments are sorted by size. Then the chopped wood with the addition of acid is cooked in special machines.