1. Which is the largest country in the world?
1. Russia is the largest country in the world
2. Where is Russia situated?
2. Russia is situated in two parts of the world at once: in Europe, and in Asia.
3. What is the longest river in Russia?
The Lena (4400km. in length) is the longest river in Russia?
4. What old Russian towns on the Volga do you know?
4 The old Russian towns on the Volga are: Nizhniy Novgorod,
Volgograd, Yaroslavl, Tver, Kazan, Samara, Kostroma, Toliatty, Astrakhan, Saratov and many others.
5. Who founded the capital of Russia? When?
5. The prince Yuri Dolgorukiy founded Moscow, the capital of Russia in the year 1147.
6. What is the heart of Moscow?
6. The Moscow Kremlin is the heart of Moscow.
7. What can you say about the birch tree?
7. The birch tree is the symbol-tree of Russia.
1.whish is the largest country in the world?
The largest country in the world - Russia, its area for 2014 (after the accession of the Crimea) is 17,124,442 km².
2. where is russia situated?
Russia is at the same time in Europe and in Asia.
3. what is the longest river in russia?
The longest river in Russia is Lena. Its length 4400 km.
4. what old russian towns on the Volga do you know?
Yaroslavl - the first of the Russian cities on the Volga, mentioned in the annals. In the "Tale of Bygone Years" he was first mentioned under the year 1071.
5. who founded the capital russia? when?
The foundation of Moscow dates back to 1147 and is attributed to the Grand Duke of Rostov-Suzdal and Kiev's Yuri Dolgoruky.
6. what is the heart of Moscow?
The historical center of Moscow is the Moscow Kremlin. On the east side of the Kremlin adjoins the most famous square of the capital - the Red Square.
7. what can you say about the bi(!)rch tree? (birch - это берёза, а barch - бархат. Внимательно относитесь к заданию.)
Birch is widely distributed in the territory of Russia. In Slavic beliefs, the attitude towards the birch was ambiguous: according to one tradition, a tree and articles made of it, including birch bark, were considered a guard against evil spirits; in particular, birch whisks used in the bath, were also considered as instruments of ritual purification [33]. According to other traditions, the birch was considered an unclean tree, in the branches of which devils and mermaids settle, and which is the embodiment of the souls of deceased relatives; The birch was also considered a tree from which the evil spirit makes its tools - for example, witches, according to popular beliefs, fly on birch brooms