All right. Look at this picture please. No doubt, that’s a picture of a beautiful woman. I believe , she is an artist.
I have to say her face is quite attractive. Her forehead is wide and a bit prominent.
Her eyes are as well too. They are really big, impressive and hazel. Well, look at her eyebrows , they are definitely impeccable. They look really long and arched.
As for her nose, it’s not really long and it’s not very short. It’s straight and it really fits to her face. It’s quite pretty.
Speaking for her lips, they are evidently rather full and pink. I guess her lips are gentle and sensetive.
What’s more.. She has got her small ears and I have to add a couple of words about her amazing red hair. It’s really thick and long. I suppose , she cares of it every day really thoroughly.
All in all , this woman looks splendid and fresh. She’s got a regular features of the face. And I wish her to achieve everything she desires in her life.
заполните таблицу. напишите по 5 примеров в каждой колонке.
1) дикие животные-тигр лев гиена волк слон
2) Домашние Животные-кошка попугай собака хомяк корова
3) морские животные-акула рыба-клоун дельфин кит тюлень
4) насекомые-многоножка муха комар таракан клещ
5) птицы-орел синица голубь сокол снегирь
fill in the table. write 5 examples in each column.
1) wild animals-tiger lion hyena wolf elephant
2) Pets-cat parrot dog hamster cow
3) sea animals-shark clown fish Dolphin whale seal
4) insects-millipede fly mosquito cockroach tick
5) birds-eagle tit dove Falcon bullfinch