В строгом смысле слова не животное, а рептилия, однако также включена в этот рейтинг. Гадюка не умеет различать объекты, представляющие опасность и безопасные для нее, а потому всегда находится настороже и готова к нападению. Ее яд сравнивают с ядом гремучих змей, но считается, что он менее опасен. Для человека укус гадюки не смертелен, но может привести к серьезным нарушениям в организме. Особенно опасен яд этой змеи по весне, а вот летом он менее токсичен. В России гадюка обитает на всей средней полосе, наиболее часто встречается в смешанных лесах и на болотах. In the strict sense of the word is not an animal and reptile, but is also included in this rating. Viper is not able to distinguish objects that are hazardous and safe for her, and so is always alert and ready to attack. Its venom is compared with the venom of rattlesnakes, but it is believed that it is less dangerous. For a man viper bite is not fatal, but can cause serious disturbances in the body. Especially dangerous poison of this snake in the spring, but in summer it is less toxic. In Russia, a viper lives throughout the middle lane, most often found in mixed forests and swamps.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a fantastic story about orphaned child called Harry, who lives with his relatives, who have very bad character. He begins to get letters from unknown source, and finally in another house (his relatives, Dursley tried to stop all this) he is visited by a giant called Hagrid, which tell Harry that he is - wizard. He goes to a wizardry school Hogwarts, meet new friends, and in the end he fight with his enemy - Lord Voldemort, dark wizard, who called his parents. Voldemort if defeated, but Harry is so exhausted, that he laid unconsciousness for some days. In the very end Harry go back to his relatives, but it's not the end - it's the beginning! After the Philosopher's Stone there were 6 more books, I can show the list:
The Philosopher's Stone The Chamber of Secrets The Prisoner of Azkaban The Goblet of Fire The Order of the Phoenix The Half-blood Prince The Deathly Hallows The Cursed Child (New book about grown Harry Potter and his children. The story is after 19 years after the last book)
I think Harry Potter is very, very interesting book!
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