Это рассказ про сказочного героя ;)
Tale - rich folk heritage which created people. More stories emerged in the Primary and for thousands of years handed down orally from generation to generation. Began to write stories, "two hundred years hence. They make a living people, everything he wanted, the heights of the human spirit reached. Goody tale - ideal at which people should be compared. He always honest, fair, hardworking, endowed with intelligence and heroic strength . tale hero overcomes the gravest test overcomes evil and cruel enemies. brave and strong, brave and invincible, kind and generous, they learn to empathize, educate the nobility and generosity. I know that in the world there is not a Baba Yaga or Koschei Immortal no frog princess. these images help to better understand the world around us, to distinguish between concepts like good and evil, right and wrong, fairness and unfairness. understand the words of the writer, who said: "Thousands of forget things, and those moments when dear mother or grandma told stories, will never forget. "
1)you can take onto the plane
2)That needs a film
3)That we bought in that second-hand bookshop
4)That covers all the Mediterranean islands
5)That have just been mended
6)That you can walk all day in
7)That go with my green dress
8)That I knitted myself