1. Do you like to study the night before you sit an exam? Why/Why not? — Вам нравится учиться в ночь перед сдачей экзамена? Почему, почему нет?
2. Which exams do you think you will pass this term? — Какие экзамены вы считаете вы будете сдавать в этой четверти?
3. What do you think should happen to pupils who play truant? — Как вы думаете, что должно произойти с учащимися, которые прогуливают?
4. Are you going to enrol at university when you leave school? — Собираетесь ли вы поступить в университет, когда вы окончите школу?
5. What kind of degree would you like to get? — Какую степень вы хотели бы получить?
6. Do you think it’s alright to skip some classes at university? Why?/Why not? — Считаете ли вы, что это нормально, пропустить некоторые занятия в университете? Почему, почему нет?
7. Why do you think some people drop out of university? — Как вы думаете, почему некоторые люди бросают университет?
1)If I have known her name,I would tell you
2)If I have been you,I would inform the manager
3)If you have gone to bed earlier,you would be less tired
4)If I have won the lotto,I would travel the world
5)I would work in Italy,if I have spoken Italian
6)I wouldn't do that if I have been you
7)If I have became president,I would change the social security system
8)If I have flown to London,I would visit you
9)If you have known the answer,you would be reach
10)She has been happier,if she would has more money
11)If she has passed the exam,she would go to university
12)If she has cut her hair,she would look better
Оread the definitions of drama tragedy and comedy can you think of any popular tragedies and comedies