It was my first day at school. The night before that day I had been nervous and couldn't sleep till late at night. So the day came. I was smartly dressed with a bunch of beautiful flowers. I saw my teacher, she noticed that I was stressed and said me some kind words to calm me. So the event started. I had been given a short poem about first day at school which I had to read. I was trembling when the principal said my name and that I would read the poem to all of the pupils. I had learnt this poem and was sure to remember it well. But unfortunately, in the middle of my speech I suddenly forgot the words! I was so confused and embarassed, standing there with an open mouth and saying nothing. Fortunately, I had a paper where I had written this poem. So I took it out of my pocket and show went on. Surprisingly, no one laughed at my confusion, moreover, the audience was clapping to support me, they seemed pleased with my performance.
Здесь идет речь о первом дне в школе, в первом классе. Вы очень нервничали, потому что вам нужно былр прочитать стих перед всей школой. По среди расскаща вы забыли слова и очень растерялись. Но вспомнили что написали стих на бумаге и достав ее дочитали стих. Все были рады, хлопали и поддерживали вас.
My favorite place
My favorite place isn't town. It is a small island on the Volga river. I go there with my family in summer.
There are many Islands on the Volga river. Why is this Island my favorite place? Well, I like it because there are no people. It is very quiet and green. There are some sea-gulls there. What do we do there? We have picnics, play badminton, swim a lot. We go by boat early in the morning, and come late in the evening. We enjoy our picnic very much.
Мое любимое место это не город. Это небольшой остров на реке Волга. Я езжу туда с моей семьей летом.
На реке Волга есть много островов. Почему этот остров мое любимое место? Ну, мне нравится потому что здесь нет людей. Тут очень тихо и зелено. Здесь есть несколько чаек. Что мы делаем там? Мы устраиваем пикники, игрем в бадминтон, много плаваем. Мы едем на лодке рано утром и приезжаем поздно вечером. Мы очень наслаждаемся нашим пикником.
draw - drew, read-read, count-counted, write-wrote, listen-listened, speak-spoke,learn-learnt,sit-sat, ask question-asked questions,answer the questions-answered the questions, tell-told,copy-copied,retell-retold, translate-translated, watch-watched, learn by heart-learnt by heart,think-thought