London is the capital of Great Britain. It lies on the banks of the river Thames. London is an ancient city. It was founded by the Romans 20 centuries ago. Now its population is 8 million.
London consists of three main parts: the City, the West End and the East End.
London has a lot of historical places of interest: the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament. There are a lot of squares in London but the biggest one is Trafalgar Square.
There are many beautiful churches in London: St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey.
The queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace.
Pete and Masha were going home after New Year party. Pete was tellin her about his new pet. It was a black cat. Suddenly they heard some noise under the nearest tree. They came up to the tree and saw a small puppy! He was clean and so pretty that they couldn't help smiling. Of couse, Masha took this little miracle with her because she had no pet at home.
Маша и Петя шли домой после школьного новогоднего вечера. Петя рассказывал Маше про своего нового питомца, черного кота. Вдруг они услышали какой-то шум под ближайшим деревом. Они подошли к дереву и увидели маленького щенка! Он был чистый и такой хорошенький, что они не могли удержаться от улыбки. Конечно, Маша взяла это маленькое чудо с собой, потому что у нее не было питомца дома.
1. Mr and Mrs Smith flew to Italy yesterday. 2. Nothing happened when I switched on the computer. 3. Joe ran into the room while I was studying. 4. It began to snow while we were playing football. 5. He walked into the kitchen and sat down. 6. It started to rain 7. Yuki was listening to the radio when the phone rang. 8. The children went the cinema last night. 9. Mr. Jones found some money when he was cleaning the cupboards. 10. Chris ate spaghetti every day last week. 11. While I was doing my homework, I had a good idea. 12. When the dog bit Laura's leg, she screamed. 13. We ate some sandwiches and then drank some Cola. 14. I saw Sally yesterday. She was waiting for the bus. 15. We were playing golf when it started to rain. I walked to the park.