My name is Daria, I am from the city of Strezhevoj, Russia. This is a very small town in Siberia.
I really like Your style, Your songs, text which I know by heart. They make me mad, as if send me to past in 1950-1960 years. Your clips very beautiful and emotional. I think it's all about Your life. But all this thanks to Your unreal voice, which run goosebumps. I admire Your creativity and my dream is to visit Your the concert. I know that You came to Russia and gave a concert in Saint-Petersburg and Moscow, but I was unable to come to study. I hope that next time You be sure to see, but for now, I just ask You to give me his autograph on Your cute pictures. I hope we see you. I apologize for the error, since hardly know English and use a translator.
I very wait, thank you for your time. Ask simply sign the picture.
Your fan of Daria.
January,2014 Hello, Matthew Бомер!
My name is Daria, I of Strezhevoy, Russia. This is a very small town in Siberia.
I really like Your creativity, and especially as you play in the series "White collar" This hero - Neil Кэффри, very cool, I like it when he's in a suit, I still I can't understand how a thief and a swindler can work with the FBI ? And yet, I am like his friend Моззи. He just genius! As Neil! And I watch episodes GLEE , and You were there the one series. And so You are still and sing great! It's about a White-collar worker, whether 6 season? Here in Russia so slowly translated. I know that I can't see You, but I beg you to leave me autograph on this cute pictures.
I'm sorry that I took You for the mistakes, I'm bad know English. I will wait for an autograph.
1. She’s giving the baby a bath right now. 2. I am learning English now. 3. The baby is crying. 4. She's playing the violin. 5. Are you looking at the castle? 6. Why are they crying? 7. Dad and I are fishing now. 8. Sally is doing her homework at the moment. 9. Why are you laughing? 10. Computer is not working. 11. The doctor is conducting an operation now. 12. She is reading a newspaper at this moment. 13. Listen! She is singing that nice folk song. 14. Molly is watching TV now 15. Sean is in the water pool now. He's learning to swim there. 16. I am visiting my Granny tomorrow afternoon. 17. She is reading at the moment. 18. They are dancing now. 19. Look! The water is boiling. 20. We are waiting for the bus.
да все верно новости